The Project

PRESERVE BVNP – Bulusan Area Biodiversity Conservation & Ecotourism Support Project (PHL/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/11/19) – AGAP by the Aggrupation of Advocates for Environmental Protection (AGAP) Bulusan, Inc.

This project has been established and provided funding by the Global Environmental Facility/Small Grants Programme (“GEF/SGP“)  implemented by the UNDP on behalf of the three GEF Implementing Agencies – UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank – and executed by UNOPS in order to address the deteriorating condition of the ecosystems in Bulusan Volcano Natural Park (BVNP) as evidenced by the declining natural habitat of many endemic species that are now becoming threatened and/or vulnerable. The project will harness the collective efforts of community members in initiating conservation programs including ecotourism to sustain the project activities.

Project Details & Results

Problem statement:

The existing condition of the ecosystems of Bulusan Volcano Natural Park (BVNP) Bulusan area is deteriorating due to the continuous environmental degradation. It is detrimental in the overall conservation efforts from local to global scope since the natural park is habitat to threatened and vulnerable species, alongside, with those endemic in the area. In effect, biodiversity loss is a major problem attributed to hunting and poaching; illegal fishing practices in Bulusan lake; illegal collection of wild plants and forest products; slash and burn farming; charcoal making; illegal cutting of trees; and encroachment to PA.


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Biodiversity Attributes:

BVNP is a biodiversity habitat teeming with flora and fauna species with high endemism; on the contrary, it is cited and included in the global biodiversity hotspot. The natural habitat of the Park is continually declining over the years as a result of extensive kaingin activities, fuel wood gathering and illegal cutting of trees.

The rich biodiversity of the natural park is considered by the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority Setting Program to be under the EXTREMELY HIGH CRITICAL conservation status. It is imperative therefore, that BVNP, as a Protected Area and a Natural Park with high biodiversity endemism, a major eco-tourism attraction and the lifeblood of the province with all of its ecological attributes must be safeguarded through effective and sustainable community-based protection and conservation mechanism.

The biodiversity issues and concerns in the BVNP Bulusan area can only be addressed through the concerted efforts of the various stakeholders.

Proponent Qualification:

AGAP-Bulusan Inc. had been championing community-based approaches in the implementation of its environmental programs and projects. It garnered the 2008 Saringaya Award, an environmental award in the region under the PO/NGO category and received various commendations from different levels in the local government and was nominated in the national level. Since 2007, it is vigorously pursuing its mission of protecting and conserving the environment by providing IEC, eco-friendly technology transfers via capacity building and research. The proponent has been instrumental in heightening the level of awareness in biodiversity conservation, as well as, in promoting social justice in the grassroot communities. It has numerous linkages from national government to local government levels, including private groups, and community-based organizations. AGAP-Bulusan, Inc. sits in the Provincial Solid Waste Management Board. It is also a member of the Municipal Development Council, Municipal Solid Waste Management Board and Municipal Tourism Council.

Partnership Arrangement:

AGAP-Bulusan, Inc. as an NGO acts as grassroots support organization and strengthening and support entity to government’s ecological initiatives particularly on biodiversity conservation. It is also leveraging on ecotourism and sustainable agriculture among other. It is co-administrator together with the Bulusan LGU in the management of services and implementation of the development initiatives of the BVNP. It shall work closely with the LGU (provincial, municipal and barangay), DENR and DOT while mentoring the community-based organizations to manage the project and maintain the working relationships with all the community members to ensure its success and sustainability.

Sustainability of Project Initiative:

The proponent incorporated salient features for the sustainability of the efforts of this proposed project. First is to solicit community-based support and partnership with present leaders as well as potential leaders. It shall also partner with the DOT for an aggressive ecotourism initiative implementation for the province and the country. It will continue to tap the support and involvement of the LGUs and other government agencies to institutionalize the biodiversity conservation efforts of the project.

General Objectives:

Participative Restoration with Eco-livelihood Support, Education and Research to Vitalize the Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Ecotourism of Bulusan Volcano Natural Park (BVNP) – Bulusan Area.

Specific Objectives:

  • Restoration, maintenance, protection of biodiversity and enhancement of ecotourism attractions of BVNP Bulusan Area;
  • Provision of capacity building and resource mobilization as a poverty alleviation mechanism and enhancement of local economic activity;
  • Environmental awareness, information and education campaign on biodiversity conservation;
  • Biodiversity conservation and environmental management related research and data-banking.

Project Strategy:

Manageable and sustainable conservation project stems from clear objectives that can be easily recognized, shared, understood, and owned by all participating entities; with easily identifiable verifiable indicators for assessing, monitoring, and evaluating the project, the following alternatives are being proposed following the PRESERVE conservation strategy in the process of project management together with the following components:

P – Participative community based organizing, linkaging, and mainstreaming;
R – Restoration, protection, and maintenance of identified and targeted conservation sites;
E – Eco-friendly ventures and livelihood promotion;
S – Support for additional provision for poverty alleviation mechanisms;
E – Education and Information Campaigns; and
R – Research and databanking of relevant ecological and socio-economic data; to
V – Vitalize our
E –Ecosystems of Bulusan Volcano Natural Park (BVNP)

Target Output:

  • Organized community-based People Organizations (POs).
  • Organized Eco-RANGERS.
  • Organized Bulusan Lake illegal fishers into Eco-RANGERS.
  • 6 Barangays. bordering BVNP Bulusan area established a community nursery.
  • 50 Hectares replanted w/ endemic agro-forestry, watershed & hardwood tree/ seedlings species.
  • 50 upland families commissioned for contractual-based reforestation.
  • 6 Brgys undergone BD Conservation, Environmntal Management and Sustainable Agriculture Seminar Trainings;
  • 6 Brgys established Techno-Demo Farm.
  • established Project Website up on the 1st quarter of project start
  • Quarterly Publication focused on BD Conservation & Envir Mgt have been circulated
  • Pre and Post Project Implementation of Community-based Threat Reduction Assessment
  • Quarterly Flora & Fauna inventory monitoring in BVNP Bulusan Area conducted
  • IEC & Poverty Alleviation Mechanism Impact Study.

Project Impacts:

On Environment

  • Restored and rehabilitated targeted biodiversity area
  • Protected, maintained and enhanced biodiversity and ecotourism attractions
  • biodiversity are monitored

On Poverty Reduction

  • increase in jobs
  • increase in household income
  • enhanced economic activity

On Empowerment

  • Organized POs earned seats in the Barangay Development Council (BDC) and participate in barangay local governance;
  • PO members involved and generating income has enhanced personal well-being;
  • Forest Protection Units are deputized Wildlife Enforcement Officer (WEO) by DENR and accredited Eco-guides by DOT; and
  • Managed and implement their own projects with limited help or independently.
